Booking Links

Booking Links are a way to let others book time with you at a time that suits them, when you are available.

To create a new Booking Link, navigate to the Booking Links page and fill in the form. You can customize the following settings:

Booking Link form

  • Name - a descriptive name for the Booking Link. This is visible to both you and the person booking time with you.
  • Meeting length - the duration of the meeting. This is the time slot that will be made available for booking.
  • Calendar - the calendar where the event will be created and from which the invite will be sent. Note that the availability check is done across all your enabled calendars.
  • Allow bookings within the next - the time frame within which bookings can be made. For example, if you set this to 7 days, bookings can be made up to 7 days in advance.
  • Don't allow bookings within the next - the time frame within which bookings cannot be made. For example, if you set this to 2 hours, bookings cannot be made for the next 2 hours regardless of your availability.
  • Days allowed for booking - the days of the week when bookings can be made. For example, if you only want to allow bookings on weekdays, you can select Monday to Friday.
  • Meeting hours from - the earliest time of day when bookings can be made.
  • Meeting hours to - the latest time of day when bookings can be made.
  • Meeting description - a description of the meeting. This will be included in the event invite and displayed on the booking page.
  • Include dial-in details - whether to include a link to a video call in the event invite. Depending on the selected Calendar, this can be a Google Meet, a Microsoft Teams or a Skype meeting invite.

Once you have filled in the form, click on the "Create" button. You will then be able to view the Booking Link you have created - you can copy the link and share it with others.

Booking Link details

When someone books time with you using the Booking Link, an event will be created in your calendar and an invite will be sent to the person who booked the time.


The meeting hour restrictions as well as the days allowed for booking are based on your local time zone. If you are in a different time zone when someone tries to book time with you, the available time slots will be shown in their local time zone. People booking time with you can adjust the timezone of the slots so that they can see them in their local time.